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“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

Skin wound healing is a process that consists of three phases: inflammation, proliferation, and regeneration. Scar formation can occur as a result of an abnormality in these processes. The frequency of such scarring ranges from 40% to 94% following surgery and from 30% to 91% following an injury. Major risk factors include gender, age, genetic predisposition, wound size and depth, anatomical site, and tension on the wound. This can hinder normal function and obviously can result in serious physical, psychological, and aesthetic problems for people. That is why early intervention is the best medicine!

After the skin and deeper tissues have healed, the scar goes through four different stages of healing.  Although the initial skin scar may be minimal, the scar will often enlarge and become more reddened over the following 4-6 weeks.  An active scar is typically red, raised, firm and thick.  Sometimes this change can be confused with infection. Also, the outermost layer often loosens while the deeper layers remain intact; this is normal as well.

Stay actively involved in your recovery by seeking support, guidance and medical intervention early on. The best scar to minimize is no scar at all! It is important to follow your providers' instructions for using pressure garments, inserts, splints or silicone gel sheets. Keep your skin hydrated and follow the above at-home therapies The healing process can often seem long and frustrating, but stay consistent, persistent and proactive!

with love


#scars #stretchmarks #woundhealing #keloids #scarrevision

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